
June 1, 2021
How to Be Better Balanced

I don't know about you, but I seem to have a never-ending to-do list. I can all too easily get bogged down with all the things that need to get done. And I freely admit that on most days I do not start with what matters most.

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May 1, 2021
Think and Plan, then Do and Succeed Anyway

Sometimes the best thought-out plans fall apart, and yet we can't fall apart with them! We have to keep going, keep doing, so that we can succeed anyway.

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April 1, 2021
The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all

Diets, exercise, a business, a business move or expansion, a new product launch, a new marketing plan, publishing a podcast, writing a book … all of these can be started just about whenever you decide to do it.

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March 1, 2021
March Madness, but I'm not talking about basketball

The March Madness I want to talk about is the madness of thinking you need to know/do everything for your business. Why do so many of us do this to ourselves?

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Scaling Up: Business Efficiency Using A Hands Off Approach